Look and Feel Customization

A significant amount of feature requests in the HISE forum are more or less about the same subject: UI customization of the stock HISE stuff. Until now, the options were rather limited:

  1. Go into C++ and hack around until you like what you see
  2. Try to convince me to make the appearance of feature XYZ more customizable. This is a rather tedious procedure and will never stop, because the next request for customization is already lurking around the corner.

But now, there is a shiny new third method: Just customize the heck out of everything using the same toolset you might know from the ScriptPanel's paint routine.

Disclaimer: everything doesn't mean everything NOW , but since it's extremely easy to add new wrappers, the chances for suceeding with option 2 have vastly increased. During the next days, I'll add more wrappers for popup windows, alert boxes (maybe even the preset browser)...

Getting started

All you need to do is tell HISE to use a custom scripted LookAndFeel class with the magic spell

const var laf = Engine.createGlobalScriptLookAndFeel();

From then on, this object will be used to render the UI. Currently you can do two things with it:

  1. Change the global font. Just call laf.setGlobalFont("Comic Sans MS", 24.0) to improve the visual appearance of everything.
  2. Overwrite functions with a customized paint routine. Just pass in a function like this:
laf.registerFunction("drawFunctionToOverride", function(g, obj)
    // Draw it like a Panel...

and it will use this paint routine instead of the stock HISE rendering functions for the given task.

Be aware that unlike the ScriptPanel's paint routine, this function has two parameters. The second parameters obj is an object that contains all important properties that you might want to use during rendering.

That's it. Below you can find a comprehensive list of all functions along with a list of their properties and an example that can be customized.


Draws the background of any context menu - combobox popups, right click popups etc.

Object properties

Object Property Description
obj.width the width of the context menu
obj.height the height of the context menu.


// laf is the global look and feel object

laf.registerFunction("drawPopupMenuBackground", function(g, obj)
    g.drawRect([0, 0, obj.width, obj.height], 1);


Draws an item in the popup menu. This will be called for each item.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the item within the context menu
obj.isSeparator true if the item is a separator.
obj.isActive true if the item can be clicked on.
obj.isHighlighted if the item is hovered.
obj.isTicked if the item is currently ticked.
obj.hasSubMenu if the item has a submenu this will be true.
obj.text the text that is being displayed.


laf.registerFunction("drawPopupMenuItem", function(g, obj)
    var a = obj.area;
    var h = a[3];
        g.drawLine(a[0]+10, a[0] + a[2]-10, a[1] + a[3]/2, a[1] + a[3]/2, 1.0);
        g.fillEllipse([a[0] + h/3, a[1] + h/3, h/3, h/3]);
    g.setFont("Times New Roman", 13.0);
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, [a[0] + h, a[1], a[2] - h, a[3]], "left");


Sets the height of the item in the popup menu. This will be called for each item.

Be aware that unlike most other functions listed here, this function only has one argument (obj ).The function expects you to return either a 2 element array containing the width and height or a single number for the height only.

Object Property Description
obj.isSeparator true if the item is a separator.
obj.text the text that is being displayed.
obj.standardMenuHeight the default height of the menu item


laf.registerFunction("getIdealPopupMenuItemSize", function(obj)
	// this will set the width to 200 and height to 50
	//return [200, 50];
	// sets the height to 30
	return 30;

Generic UI elements


How to draw the stock HISE button.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.
obj.over true if the mouse hovers over the button.
obj.down true if the mouse clicked on the button.
obj.text the button text.
obj.value the toggle state.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawToggleButton", function(g, obj)
    g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 4.0);
        g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 4.0);
        g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 4.0);
    g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.textColour, obj.value ? 1.0 : 0.3));
    g.setFont("Arial Bold", 12.0);
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, obj.area, "centred");


How to draw the stock HISE rotary slider (Knob style).

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.
obj.id the ID of the component.
obj.text the text property.
obj.value the slider value.
obj.valueNormalized the normalized slider value.
obj.valueSuffixString the slider value plus the suffix.
obj.suffix the suffix property.
obj.skew the skew factor.
obj.min the min value property.
obj.max the max value property.
obj.clicked the mouse clicked state of the slider.
obj.hover the mouse hover state of the slider.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


How to draw the stock HISE slider (linear and range style).

All linear style

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.
obj.id the ID of the component.
obj.text the text property.
obj.valueSuffixString the slider value plus the suffix.
obj.suffix the suffix property.
obj.skew the skew factor.
obj.syle return the Juce slider style code (Horizontal:2, Vertical:3, Range:9).

Vertical and horizontal style addition

Object Property Description
obj.min the min value property.
obj.max the max value property.
obj.value the slider value.
obj.valueNormalized the normalized slider value.

Range style addition

Object Property Description
obj.valueRangeStyleMin the min value property.
obj.valueRangeStyleMax the max value property.
obj.valueRangeStyleMinNormalized the min normalized slider value.
obj.valueRangeStyleMaxNormalized the max normalized slider value.
obj.clicked the mouse clicked state of the slider.
obj.hover the mouse hover state of the slider.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


How to draw the stock HISE combobox

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.
obj.text the combobox text.
obj.active true if an item is selected
obj.enabled true if the combobox is enabled and contains items

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


s.registerFunction("drawComboBox", function(g, obj)
    g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 5.0);
    g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.textColour, (obj.enabled && obj.active) ? 1.0 : 0.2));
    g.setFont("Arial Bold", 11.0);
    var a = obj.area;
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, [a[0] + 10, a[1], a[2]-10, a[3]], "left");
    var h = a[3];
    g.fillTriangle([a[0] + a[2] - h/3 - 10, a[1] + h/3, h/3, h/3], Math.PI);


How to draw the text-only buttons that appear on the dialogues and preset browser.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.
obj.over true if the mouse hovers over the button.
obj.down true if the mouse clicked on the button.
obj.text the button text.
obj.value the toggle state.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawDialogButton", function(g, obj)
    g.setFont("Comic Sans MS", 18.0);
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, obj.area, "centred");

Alert Windows

An alert window is a popup window that will ask the user a question or show an message. There are a few occasions where these windows appear, but you can use the new API call Engine.showYesNoWindow() to use these for yourself.


Sets custom icons for the different message types.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.
obj.type The message type.

The type property is guaranteed to be one of those strings:

Be aware that you can't load images because these look and feel functions have to be self-containing, but you can loada SVG-path like shown in the example.


laf.registerFunction("drawAlertWindowIcon", function(g, obj)
    if(obj.type == "Question")

    g.fillPath(p, [10, 10, obj.area[2]-20, obj.area[3]-20]);


How to draw the background and the title of the alert window

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.
obj.title The title of the message.

Be aware that the actual text content is being rendered as markdown, so in order to customize the text appearance, use the next method getAlertWindowMarkdownStyleData


laf.registerFunction("drawAlertWindow", function(g, obj)
    var a = [0, 0, obj.area[2], 30];
    g.drawRect(obj.area, 0.3);
    g.setFont("Comic Sans MS", 18);
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.title, a, "centred");


Define the properties for the markdown rendered text in the alert window.

Object Property Description
obj.font the font name for the paragraph text.
obj.headlineFont the font name for the headline text.
obj.codeFont the font name for the inplace code text.
obj.textColour the colour for the paragraph text.
obj.headlineColour the colour for the headlines.
obj.codeColour the colour for the inplace code .
obj.linkColour the colour for the links.
obj.fontSize the basic font size used for all texts. The headlines get scaled automatically depending on their level.

Be aware that unlike most other functions listed here, this function only has one argument (obj ) containing an object that you need to modify. The function expects you to return this obj (of course you can create this from scratch, but the best practice is to just modify the object passed in like shown in the example).


laf.registerFunction("getAlertWindowMarkdownStyleData", function(obj)
    obj.font = "Comic Sans MS";
    obj.fontSize = 24;
    obj.headlineColour = Colours.crimson;
    return obj;



How to draw the background of the preset browser.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the button.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:

laf.registerFunction("drawPresetBrowserBackground", function(g, obj)


How to draw the background of a preset browser column.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the column relative to the entire preset browser.
obj.text the text that is being displayed if the column is empty (eg. "Add a Category").

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


How to draw a item in a preset browser column. This will be called for each visible item.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the column relative to the entire preset browser.
obj.text the item text (either the folder or preset name).
obj.columnIndex the index of the column (0-2) Be aware that the preset column always has the index 2 regardless whether you show the category or bank column.
obj.rowIndex the index of the item in the list starting with 0.
obj.selected whether the item is active or note.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawPresetBrowserListItem", function(g, obj)
        g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 5.0);
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, obj.area, "centred");


How to draw the modal dialogue that pops up if you are trying to overwrite or delete a preset.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the dialog box within the preset browser.
obj.text The text message that is being displayed.
obj.title The action that is about to be performed (usually shown as title).
obj.labelArea the area which will be used for the text input (it's always inside obj.area .

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:

// A little helper function nicked from JUCE...
inline function removeFromTop(area, amountToRemove)
    local a = [area[0], area[1], area[2], amountToRemove];
    area[1] += amountToRemove;
    area[2] -= amountToRemove;
    return a;

laf.registerFunction("drawPresetBrowserDialog", function(g, obj)
   g.fillAll(0x88000000) ;
   g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 5.0);
   g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.labelArea, 5.0);
   g.drawAlignedText(obj.title, removeFromTop(obj.area, 20), "right");
   g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, removeFromTop(obj.area, 30), "left");


How to draw a tag in the preset browser.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the tag.
obj.text The name of the tag.
obj.blinking If you're editing tags of a preset, they will blink.
obj.selected If a tag is selected so that only the presets with that tag appear.
obj.value Whether the currently loaded preset is tagged with this tag.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


// You need to create a list of tags before they show up...
Engine.setUserPresetTagList(["My Tag1", "Funky Tag", "Best Ones"]);

laf.registerFunction("drawPresetBrowserTag", function(g, obj)
        g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 3.0);
        g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 3.0);
    g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 3.0);
        g.drawRect(obj.area, 1.0);
    g.setFont("Comic Sans MS", 14.0);
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, obj.area, "centred");


How to draw the number tag that is displayed for a macro control assignment

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the entire component
obj.macroIndex the index for the macro assignment starting with 0.


laf.registerFunction("drawNumberTag", function(g, obj)
    obj.area[0] += obj.area[2] - 16;
    obj.area[1] += 2;
    obj.area[2] = 14;
    obj.area[3] = 14;
    g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 4);
    g.drawRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 4, 2);
    var letters = ["A", "B", "C"];
    g.drawAlignedText(letters[obj.macroIndex], obj.area, "centred");


How to draw the search bar of the preset browser.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the search bar
obj.icon the search bar icon as path ready to be painted using g.fillPath(obj.icon, [5, 5, 20, 20]); .

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawPresetBrowserSearchBar", function(g, obj)
    g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 5.0);
    g.fillPath(obj.icon, [5, 5, 20, 20]);


Sets the paths for the favourite and search icons.

Be aware that unlike most other functions listed here, this function only has one argument (id ).

The function expects you to return a path that will be used to draw the icon.

Object Property Description
obj.id the icon's id


laf.registerFunction("createPresetBrowserIcons", function(id)
    if (id == "favorite_on")
        return myFavoriteOnPath;

    if (id == "favorite_off")
        return myFavoriteOffPath;
    if (id == "searchIcon")
        return mySearchIconPath;

Table Editor

Below are all functions that can be used to draw the table UI element. You can draw the curve as path, define how each point is being displayed and customize the ruler.


How to draw the curve of the table function. You can use the path and the area supplied with the obj parameter to draw it like any other vector shape.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the table
obj.path the curve as path ready to be painted using g.fillPath(obj.path, obj.area); .

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawTablePath", function(g, obj)
    g.drawPath(obj.path, obj.area, 0.5);
    g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.bgColour, 0.08));
    g.fillPath(obj.path, obj.area);


How to draw each (draggable) point in the table. This function will be called for each point

Object Property Description
obj.tablePoint the area ([x, y, w, h] of the point relative to the table.
obj.hover the hover state of the point.
obj.clicked the mouse down state of the point.
obj.isEdge whether the point is either the start or the end point (which is a bit bigger than the other points).

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


saf.registerFunction("drawTablePoint", function(g, obj)
    g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.bgColour, 0.4));
    g.drawEllipse(obj.tablePoint, 0.5);
        g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.bgColour, 0.4));


How to draw the vertical ruler that displays the last input value.

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the table.
obj.position the normalised x-position of the ruler.

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


saf.registerFunction("drawTableRuler", function(g, obj)
    g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.bgColour, 0.1));
    var x = obj.position * obj.area[2];
    g.drawLine(x, x, 0, obj.area[3], 10.0);
    g.drawLine(x, x, 0, obj.area[3], 0.5);

Midi Dropper

The MIDI dropper is a field that can be used to drop MIDI files that are loaded to a connected MIDI Player or perform a drag operation of the current MIDI content to an external target (eg. DAWs).
In order to use it, add a FloatingTile, set the ContentType to MidiOverlayPanel , then set the ProcessorId to the MIDI Player ID you want to connect to and the Index to 0 .


How to draw the drop area

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the drop area
obj.text the default text being displayed.
obj.hover true if a drag operation is active (either an item hovers over the dropper or a external drag is performed
obj.active true if a sequence is loaded into the connected MIDI Player

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawMidiDropper", function(g, obj)
        g.drawRect(obj.area, 3);
    g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, obj.area, "centred");


How to render the envelope graph for a AHDSR envelope. There are two methods, one for rendering the path (and the active subsection) and one for the ball animation.


How to render the envelope graph. This function will get called on different occasions, take a look at the example for an explanation.

Object Property Description
obj.path a reference to the path object that should be rendered.
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the path that is being rendered
obj.isActive true if this function call is supposed to render the active section
obj.currentState the state of the envelope (attack, sustain, hold, etc.)

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawAhdsrPath", function(g, obj)
	// This function will be called for the whole path
	// and once again for the currently active section

		// Just render the "active section of the path"
		// the `area` property contains the original bounds 
		// of the path, so we need to pass it to the method
		g.fillPath(obj.path, obj.area);
		// Render the entire path
		g.drawPath(obj.path, obj.area, 2.0);


How to render the ball animation

Object Property Description
obj.area the area ([x, y, w, h] of the envelope
obj.position the position ([x, y] of the ball
obj.currentState the state of the envelope (attack, sustain, hold, etc.)

In addition to these properties, all the colour properties from the interface designer are available too:


laf.registerFunction("drawAhdsrBall", function(g, obj)
	g.fillRect([obj.position[0] - 5, obj.position[1] - 5, 10, 10]);