Script Voice Start Modulator

Type ID: ScriptVoiceStartModulator

Creates a scriptable modulation value at the start of the voice.

This module can be used to create a fully customizable constant modulation value , if the inbuild Voice start modulators do not offer the desired functionality.


There are 5 callbacks for this processor, you probably recognize the onInit , onController and onControl callbacks from the MIDI script processor - they do exactly the same. However there are two special callbacks that make this module useful:


This callback will be executed whenever a voice is about to be started. You need to return a value between 0.0 and 1.0 and it will use this as modulation signal.

function onVoiceStart(voiceIndex)
    // the same functionality as the stock velocity modulator
    return Message.getVelocity() / 127.0;

The parameter voiceIndex can be used to get the index of the voice, which is guaranteed to be between 0 and the number of voices available. However you can't rely on it being chronologically.


This callback will be called when a voice is stopped, that means when the note was released and its gain envelopes have completely tailed off.