Scripting in HISE


Create Script References

One crucial paradigm in HISE is that you have to create a script reference to HISE Modules and UI Components before you can manipulate them with scripting. The best place to declare this references is the Script Processors onInit -Tab.

After you have referenced the element you can access its attributes/parameters,properties and API methods and change the values with script logic.

Module References

// A script reference to a SineWaveGenerator Module 
const var SineWaveGenerator1 = Synth.getChildSynth("Sine Wave Generator1");

The quickest way to create a script reference to a Module is to take a built-in shortcut. When you right-click on the header-bar of a Module in the Main-Workspace, a little context menu will pop up with the option: Create generic script reference .
This will copy a const var script variable definition of the Module to your clipboard. You can now directly paste this reference to your onInit -script and compile the script with [F5]. The Module is now accessible with this variable.

Take notice that the Module is identified by its Processor ID name and that the variable automatically adopts this naming.

Now that we have created a reference to the Module we can access all its methods and attributes/parameters directly via script.

Start to type SineW... in the onInit -script and hit [Escape]. Select the full variable-name SineWaveGenerator1 with the [Down Arrow] and [Enter] or click. When you now append a . (dot) and hit [Escape] again, you'll see a list of all available API methods and attributes/parameters of the Module in the Autocomplete Popup .

Let's try out the getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods to get a grip of the parameters of the Module. The parameter is accessed with the reference variable + . followed by the parameters name.

// Get and print the current SaturationAmount
Console.print("Saturation Amount: " + SineWaveGenerator1.getAttribute(SineWaveGenerator1.SaturationAmount));

// Set the SaturationAmount of the SineWaveGenerator to 17%
SineWaveGenerator1.setAttribute(SineWaveGenerator1.SaturationAmount, 0.17);

In this way you can get and set the attributes/parameters of every Module. You can take a look at the parameters of each Module in the HISE Modules chapter.

UIComponent References

// A script reference to a Slider UI Component
const var Knob1 = Content.getComponent("Knob1");

Referencing UI Components works in the same way as with Modules. Select a newly created UI Component in the Interface Designers Canvas in edit mode or in the Component List and right-click on it. Select create script reference for selection and paste the code in your onInit script.

In a bigger project, you will most likely want to use multiple references. If you select many components and create a script reference it will store them in an Array that you can iterate over.

Now you can directly set() and get() the properties of the component in your script, which will show up in the Property Editor as "Overwritten by script".

// set and get a UI Components property
Knob1.set("text", "Saturation");
Console.print("text property: " + Knob1.get("text"));

The getValue() method will return the current "value" of the UIComponent. It depends on the kind of component which value it returns. Have a look at the UI Components section for more details.

E.g: a 0-1 value range for Sliders, boolean 0/1 for Buttons, Array-indexes for each ComboBox item, an Array for the SliderPack and a 0-127 range for a Table.

// Prints the current value of the UI Component to the Console

Create Custom-onControl-Callbacks

While the above scripts are evaluated only once on initialising the onInit [F5], we may want to use the live values of the UI Components to interact with our plugin/instrument. This is the task of an onControl Callback .

It "fires" every time a UI Components value changes on the interface.

Right-click on an UI Component and select Create custom callback for selection . Now you can paste the autogenerated code into the onInit Tab. It automatically names the callback function after the Components ID and registers it as a ControlCallback.

// Turn the Slider to print its value to the Console
inline function onKnob1Control(component, value)


A very common use case for this functionality would be to connect a Slider or Button to a HISE Modules attribute/parameter:

// Connect a Slider to the SineWaveGenerators SaturationAmount
inline function onKnob1Control(component, value)
    SineWaveGenerator1.setAttribute(SineWaveGenerator1.SaturationAmount, value);


But because this behaviour is needed very frequently, theres an extra shortcut for this connection. You can directly link a UI Components value to a Module attribute/parameter with the Components processorId and parameterId properties in the Property Editor .

Nevertheless, the full power of the ControlCallback lies in its scripting flexibility to customize your instruments behaviour regarding incoming values:

inline function onKnob1Control(component, value)
    if (value < 0.5) {
        Console.print("Value smaller than 0.5: " + value);
    else if (value == 1){
        Console.print("Ditz!" + value + "!!");
    else {
        Console.print("Value bigger than 0.5: " + value);
