File Menu

Create new Project

Creates a new HISE project. You can choose to create an empty project, to import an project from an .hxi file, or to create project with associated Rhapsody template.

Load Project

Load another project. Opens a OS Folder Browser.

Show Project folder in Explorer

Open a OS Filebrowser in your current projects parent directory.

Show snippet browser


Shortcut: ctrl + N
Creates a new HISE preset. You can save it in two different ways:

Open XML

Shortcut: ctrl + O
Open a .xml preset file in XmlPresetBackups .

Save XML

Shortcut: ctrl + shift + S

Save as XML

Saves the current HISE presets module structure as a .xml file in the XmlPresetBackups Folder .

Another Interface .xml is automatically generated in respectively named UIData subfolder.

When you save a HISE Preset with this method, the scripts of your ScriptProcessors will also be saved. They will show up in the Scripts > ScriptProcessors > (your PresetName) > Folder and combine all the ScriptProcessors Callbacks into one file.

This comes in handy if you want to save your project in a version control system and track your changes.

Open Archive

Open a .hip file in the Presets Folder .

Save Archive

Shortcut: ctrl + S
Directly saves the current Preset.

Save As Archive

Opens a Save As dialog to save the current HISE preset file as .hip.

Import HISE Snippet

Shortcut: ctrl + shift + V
Replaces the current instrument with a snippet previously exported using Export as HISE Snippet

Make sure you don't have unsaved changes before calling this method.

Copy snippet script files to current project

This menu item is only visible in the Snippet Browser window and will copy the embedded script files from the currently loaded snippet back into your current project.

This allows you to quickly integrate the snippets into your project - just load the snippet that you want to import and choose this function.

Any snippet with the tag Framework will have one or more embedded script files that contain the functionality (as long with a few example use cases in the snippet itself).

Note that using this function will override the files in your repository so proceed with caution!

Create recovery XML from Archive

Close this window


Opens the HISE Settings window.

Edit Shortcuts


Close HISE.