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Vertical Layout

Enable Layout Mode

Enables the Layout Mode.

If you toggle the Layout-Mode you get access to the HISE Layout Floating Tiles .

Toggle the Layout Mode in the Custom Workspace, and add new Tabs , Vertical or Horizontal Tiles (right-click ) to create a Custom Workspace Layout. If you toggle the Layout Mode back off you can add HISE Floating Tiles to fill the layout with functionality.

Show Scripting Workspace

Show Sampler Workspace

Show Custom Workspace

Add floating window

Adds a new Empty Popup Window that can filled (right-click ) with Hise Floating Tiles if you prefer to work with (multiple possible) detached windows.

Clear Console

Clears the Console .

Reset custom Look and Feel

Reset Workspaces

If you accidentally messed up HISEs interface, you can clear the interface layout. After restarting HISE its interface will be reset to the default settings.